Booking Through Thursday is a weekly meme
Now that summer is here (in the northern hemisphere, anyway), what is the most “Summery” book you can think of? The one that captures the essence of summer for you?
(I’m not asking for you to list your ideal “beach reading,” you understand, but the book that you can read at any time of year but that evokes “summer.”)
It was the first comedy by Shakespeare that I read and, along with Twelfth Night, it remains a favorite of mine. The mythical creatures and their forest world is always so fun and just evokes images of warm night's spent laying in the middle of a forest clearing.
What books make you think of summer?
Thanks for visiting my blog! Yours is an excellent choice, I love Midsummer Night's Dream!
Can't go wrong with a Midsummer Night's Dream. It's going to play later this summer at the Stratford Shakespeare Theater in Statford, Ontario, Canada.
This is the only Shakespeare book I've read and I could definitely agree with you :)
I didn't think of that one - great choice (and one that I need to reread!).
great answer :-) I didn't think of it, but yes, A Midsummer Night's Dream is a great "summery" read, and fun to read any time of the year. I love the story, and love Puck and Nick Bottom. The play-within-the-play was so funny, picturing these manly-men doing Thisbe and the Wall.. LOL. I saw it performed when I was in college, and the guy who played Bottom was fantastic!
Thanks for the lovely trip down memory lane :-D
That's actually a very un-obvious pick! I completely forgot about Shakespeare's masterpiece. Great choice :)
That's a really great choice! I never would have thought about AMSND, but it is definitely related to summer.
I'm still stumped on this one....
I found myself perusing this chick lit type of summer romance novel. Ha! Never says never! It's called Sceneic Route.
For me summer is usually the time when I read a lot of mysteries.
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