
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Review Policy

Authors/agents/publicists can reach me at Jax1204@gmail.com


I'm a journalist, so I believe in always offering an unbiased opinion in my reviews. While you won't find anything written here to be mean-spirited, it will definitely contain my honest impressions.

My reviews are usually in a basic capsule format. They always include bibliographical info as well as links to Amazon. I include a plot summary either from Amazon or the author's/book's site. I never include spoilers. Instead, I speak about tone, writing style, flow, and plot and character development.

Each review contains a letter grade at the conclusion of the post. Below is a summation of my feelings on the book as it pertains to the grade. There are the occasional +'s or -'s depending on the book. Everything just doesn't fit into the following categories so neatly.

Note: I am open to blog tours, author interviews and guest bloggers.

Grading System:

A - Couldn't be much better

B - I'm happy I read it

C - Just ok. If it's part of a series then I'll probably check out the next one.

D - Something went wrong there.

F - Frankly, it sucked. Period.


All of my posts get a portion of them cross-posted, with a link to the entire review, on Goodreads and LibraryThing. My feed is also automatically published on Facebook, Twitter and several Ning groups such as Book Blogs. I occasionally post on Amazon and Barnes & Noble but, if a request is made, I'll definitely include them. For the links to my profiles on some of these sites, see my About Me page.


Books reviewed here are often a combination of review copies/ARCs and books that I have bought myself. Any book that I request specifically will be given top priority. If I choose to review unsolicited books, I will try to post in close proximity to their release date. I do not review self-published books and I will consider e-books on a case-by-case basis.

Genres that I will accept:

Literary & General Fiction




Contemporary Romance

Graphic Novels

YA fiction



Non-fiction about Art or Fashion/Style

Genres that I won't accept:

Middle grade or Children's


Christian Fiction

Poetry Collections (I enjoy them but won't review them)

Any other sort of non-fiction

Note: I accept fantasy novels at my other site Undercover Book Lover.

Site Stats

The numbers for my site are constantly increasing. Below is a link to my statistics gathering account.


In addition, information on my feed subscribers and blog followers can be found on the sidebar.